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4/26/21 - Yet Another Active Week for Troop 218

Writer's picture: Webmaster Troop 218Webmaster Troop 218

New ASM - We are happy to announce we have a new Assistant Scoutmaster!!! Mr. Damien Chock has stepped up to volunteer to be an Assistant Scoutmaster!

4/30 - Camping Trip - We have a camping trip this weekend to the Los Padres National Forest. Grubmasters will be meeting on Zoom on Tuesday night to set the meal plan and arrange for the food. We will be returning by 2 pm on Sunday.

5/2 - Yes we will have our normal Troop meeting after returning from the campout. The meeting will give us a chance to put away all of the equipment and clean up the trailer as well as talk about what was learned and what we can do better for the next campout. This will be a "normal" campout so extreme cold weather clothing/gear is not necessary. There is a camping gear list on the Troop website ( Look for the "Car Camping Gear Checklist". Also...

New Patrols - Due to growing size of our Troop and the fact that the current patrols/leaders have been in place for more than the normal 6 months, we will be rearranging and adding a fourth patrol. This is a great opportunity for other Scouts to get a chance at a leadership position and to get to know other Scouts better. The new patrols will be smaller and easier for the patrol leaders to manage. We will be voting for new Scout leaders at next week's meeting following the campout.

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Apr 26, 2021

Definitely growing and keeping the Scouts engaged and having fun!


Apr 26, 2021

So proud of Troop 218 for growing so rapidly, being so active and providing these high-quality boys with so many opportunities!

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